Auburn - Food Truck Vending Pilot Program
The WSFTA is running a 1-year food truck pilot program with the City of Auburn to test the viability of multiple vending locations within the city. Participating vendors must be current WSFTA members, must agree to the Pilot Program Terms & Conditions (see below), and can apply by contacting the association (see link below).
There may be some restrictions regarding mobile unit size and cuisine type per location. Tent or popup style vendors, who are current WSFTA members, are also welcome to participate.
Customers can find the food truck locations & schedule here soon.
2025 Site Locations
Location: Downtown City Hall Plaza
Address: 25 West Main St.
Service times: Tues/Thurs - 11am to 2pm
Begins: Tuesday, April 29th
Location: Downtown Friday Markets
Address: Main St & N Division
Service times: June 27th, July 25th, Aug 22nd - 5:30-9:30pm
Location: Copper Gate Planned Urban Development Park Plaza
Address: 4750 Auburn Way (Green park on 49th)
Service Day(s)/Time(s): TBD
Location: Auburn Airport - Annual Event
Service Date/Time: July 12th
WSFTA members can contact us to participate and send all required docs to:
Pilot Program Vendor Terms and Conditions
Vendors are required to be current WSFTA members and must send us proof of the general City of Auburn business license, King County health permit, proof of insurance (see COI details below), and a fire inspection/permit from any King County regional fire authority dated within the past 12-months.
1. Apply for the $107 city license using the city mobile food vendor license application form here. Email the WSFTA proof of your license.
2. Vendor participants must obtain a Certificate of Insurance (COI) of $1-million combined single limit per occurrence for bodily injuries, personal injuries, and property damage, with $1-million products - completed operation coverage; as well as a minimum of $1-million auto liability insurance to indemnify the City and the vendor against any such claims, demands, losses, damages, liabilities and/or expenses. And an Additional Insured Endorsement stating the: City of Auburn at: 25 W. Main Street, Auburn, WA 98001. Vendors must email their COI into the WSFTA.
3. Email us a copy of your recent fire permit (dated within last 12-months from any King County fire authority).
Vendors must not park within 50-feet of another health permitted brick & mortar food establishment, unless approved by the city or the owner of that business when vending outside of a special public event.
Participating vendors are required to report sales and ticket numbers, no later than 48-hours following the end of service. This sales data is used to help manage and assess the location, determine the best number of food vendors, preferred cuisines, best days/times for service, and allows the WSFTA to advise the next scheduled vendor regarding the number of meals to plan to serve. This information helps reduce food waste and helps maximize vendor success. Vendors who do not report will be removed from the program for the remainder of the year after being given one warning.
The Food Truck Pilot Program will only be using City of Auburn owned and operated sites.
Prohibitions: The food truck operator shall not utilize tables, chairs, or audio amplification in conjunction with the food truck. With the exception of a portable gas-powered generator, all equipment shall be contained within or on the food truck during service.
Vendors must email the WSFTA their food truck/trailer length (some locations may have limited vending space.)
Vendors can book first come first serve. See the vending location times and details above.
Where applicable, vendors must maintain an onboard copy of an issued right-of-way (ROW) street permit.
Locate generators at least 10’ away from the mobile food vending unit, unless permanently fixed to the tow trailer frame.
Make sure that there is a clearance of at least 10-ft away from buildings, structures, vehicles, and any combustible materials. Follow all NFPA (National Fire Protection Agency) best safety practices.
Grounds for pilot program termination can include, but are not limited to:
Cancellation or no-show at a scheduled meal service,
Failure to abide by all state and local laws, rules, regulations, and ordinances regarding mobile food vending,
Acting unprofessionally in a way that reflects poorly on the WSFTA, the Pilot Program, or the food truck industry as a whole,
Offensive, disrespectful, or rude conduct toward location hosts, government officials, fellow vendors, or any WSFTA staff or volunteers,
Being dishonest or untruthful regarding licenses, permits, insurance coverage, sales numbers, etc.
All vendors must follow the City of Auburn Food Truck Pilot Program Best Practices:
Vendors must keep the vending area free of obstructions that impede free use of sidewalks by pedestrians and provide a minimum of a 5-foot wide clear pedestrian path by the food truck and comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) for pedestrian access.
Vendors shall return the vending area to the same condition they found it, and shall remove any garbage or equipment they bring in. Vendors shall dispose of their own garbage, recycling, and any other food waste products as required by the Health Department.
In an effort to be responsible stewards of the environment, vendors will not use single-use plastics and will provide recyclable, compostable, and/or biodegradable service-ware.
Food trucks must be parked at least 15-feet from any fire hydrant, and 5-feet away from any driveway, sidewalk, utility box or vault, handicapped ramp, building entrance or exit or emergency call box. Food Trucks shall be parked a maximum of 12 inches from the curb. These minimum and maximum distance requirements are all measured in a straight line from the closest point of the proposed food truck location to the closest point from the buffered object.
We strongly advise participating vendors to act as “Good Neighbors” by promoting local businesses that are near the vending location when posting upcoming meal services on social media, ideally including links to nearby retailers or other businesses.
Leave No Trace Behind: Vendors are responsible for: ensuring drip-pans are placed under truck engines & generators, do not leave any markings/drippings/grease in the vending area, and always dispose of wastewater at an approved location in accordance with the County Health Plan Review.
Violation of these Terms & Conditions: If the food truck operator is found to be in violation of the Pilot Program terms, a warning will be issued. A second offense in any 6-month period will result in removal from the pilot program.