Buying or Building a Truck / Trailer / Cart

Be sure to check Washington's Labor & Industries requirements for your mobile unit. You can access the vendor unit checklist here.  Do your research and avoid buying a unit built out-of-state that has been promised to meet our regulations. If you are planning to build on your own, be sure to use the L & I vendor packet for guidance (see the L & I page.)

  • Food Trucks Northwest - is a business plan consulting service; design and build a custom food truck or buy a prebuilt one for use in Washington. Located near South Seattle, ask for Nick. FTNW is also now a certified installer on Amerex fire suppression systems and certified ICC on pre-engineered fire supp systems and can offer service on all systems.

  • Western Food Trucks & Trailers - custom built to Washington’s building code standards. Located in the TriCities, they specialize in new builds, and remodel/retrofits to bring units up to WA State L&I Standards. They guarantee compliance with WA State requirements and local health dept regulations, and stand by their work with a 1-year guarantee of craftsmanship. They can also do professional drawings acceptable to WA State L&I for you to pass your inspections.

  • Quality Trailers is a family owned business located in Portland Oregon, well equipped to help you plan, design and build a unique food trailer for your Washington state business. Contact them for a free quote and visit their website here:  (highly recommended by members.)

  • Northwest Mobile Kitchens - located in Portland, this company has built several vehicles for our members and have received great reviews.    

  • TriVan - located in Ferndale, WA, custom built trucks and trailers.  

  • Apollo Manufacturing - located just across the border in Surrey, B.C. - Quality Built Mobile Kitchens - Check out some of their other food truck, trailer and cart builds on the page here: This reputable builder is familiar with Washington State's Labor & Industries building code and approval process.

  • Kent Truck & Equipment - large variety of used work trucks.   

  • Carlson Sheet Metal in Spokane -- they can build but don't test -- but they can do almost anything else when it comes to fabrication. David at 509-535-4228

  • Spokane Restaurant Equipment & Design -- they can do it all including updated design plans for L&I. Patrick 509-535-5500

    We DO NOT recommend:

  • Seattle Food Truck Builders

  • Skillfab

  • Mike Evans

  • AA Catering built trucks from California

  • PDX Cartbuilders, Portland, OR

  • TGA Hood & Fire (and food truck builder)

Equipment & Supplies

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