Pierce County
Boss Mama’s Kitchen
Comfort Food: Burgers, Grilled Cheese
Also serves in King County
Available for catering
The Frying Dutchman
Starvin Marvin Food Trucks
Sabrina’s Street Melts
Fat Zach’s Pizza
Uncle Mike's Filipino Comfort Foods
Filipino Comfort Foods
Website: unclemikesfilipinocomfortfoods.com
Instagram: unclemikesfilipinocomfortfoods
Available for catering
Also serves in King County
Dick’s Drive-In
Hamburgers & Milkshakes
Website: http://ddir.com
Twitter handle: @DicksDriveIns
Instagram: dicksdrivein
Services in most other West side counties.
Makin “Lil” Donuts
Mauka Hawaiian Shave Ice
Bean Hut Espresso
Espresso, Smoothies and Energy Drinks
Instagram: beanhutespresso
Available for catering
Also serves in King County
Turger Burger
Alaska Weathervane Scallops
La Cocina de Jalisco
Lumpia Love
Dirtyz Food Trailer
Cookie Dough Bliss
Hobo’s BBQ
Puget Sound Pizza
Thai’m to Roll
Supreme Smash Burgers
The Corndoggery
Lumberjack Popcorn Company
Popcorn & Slushies
Instagram: @lumberjackpopcorn
Available for catering
Also serves in King, Thurston, Kitsap, and Grays Harbor Counties.
Tacos Mirrey
Tacos Al Pastor
Available for catering
Tin Hut BBQ
Kona Ice of Lakewood
Frank’s Burgers
Website: https://alohagourmetfoodtrucks.com/
Instagram: @alohagourmetfoodtrucks
Available for catering
Bleu Buttahfly
The ShortCake Bar
Dessert shortcake
Website: http://shortcakebar.com
Instagram: theshortcakebar
Available for catering
Also serves in King County
321 Ice Cream Parlor
Snowball Haven
P & J’s Waffle Delight
Chicken & Waffles
Instagram: @pandjswaffledelight
Website: www.pandjwaffle.com
Available for catering
Also serves in Thurston County
Travelin Tom’s Coffee
Specialty hot drinks, iced & frozen
Website: alohagourmetfoodtrucks.com/
Instagram: alohagourmetfoodtrucks/
El Koreano
Korean Mexican Fusion
Website: http://elkoreano.com
Instagram: el_koreano_foodtruck
Available for catering.
Also serves in King and Snohomish Counties.
Longhorn Barbecue
Barbecue & Comfort Foods
Website: longhornbarbecue.com
Available for catering.
Also serves in King County.
Alaskan Dumplings
Russian Peleminis(Dumplings)
Instagram: alaskandumplingsredtruck/
Available for catering.
Also serves in King County.